Virginia Center Community is a Not for Profit Organization that promotes peace, Integrity and pursuit of higher learning by providing social services for the Somali people in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area. 

The Virginia Center Community will primarily focus on following areas:

  • Peace and Reconciliation dialogue sessions which allows lonely and isolated elderly people affected by the Somali Civil War to come together and express their feelings, share their experiences and exchange ideas, while enjoying their exotic tea to ease their troubles and worries. 
  • Rehabilitation of the disoriented and confused Somali youth by teaching them to be a good citizen and to obey the law of the land that has offered them a shelter after the Civil War.
  • Offer high quality tutorial services for all ages and home work help after school.
  • Mentoring and life skills coaching that will prepare and guide students to be high achievers for excellence in this competitive fast changing world.
  • Educational Day Care services with playground for children.
  • Quran and Sunnah studies which emphasizes moral ethics.
  • A place of worship and Islamic lectures. 

Virginia Center Community is a 501c Not For Profit Organization.